One vintage dress, please...

  So one consequence of the Covid lockdown this year was an abundance of time. Time which (if you believed social media) many people were supposedly using to be productive; learning an instrument, a new language, a bit of DIY perhaps. Sufficed to say, I did none of these things. I did however do A LOT of scrolling through Instagram - I'm not proud but we can't be held responsible for what we did during a lockdown. 

  Anyway, as all shops were closed, namely vintage shops, I kept finding new Insta accounts set up by shopkeepers displaying all their beautiful vintage pieces. So, quality vintage pieces that I can browse from the comfort of my sofa, packaged up and sent directly to my door? Erm, yes please! Of course, with the nature of vintage, there's always the chance it won't fit, however most places I've seen offer free returns which is amazing. This particular dress is from Retro Rehab Manchester - as soon as I saw the strawberry print and red buttons this baby had to be mine, and it fits perfectly. It was in great condition and very reasonably priced. I'm not ashamed to say I've bought 2 more dresses from them, and they probably won't be the last. 

Hannah x


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