Here comes the sun
The weather today certainly isn't as lovely as when I took these photos. During these crappy times, I feel like the weather is even more important when it comes to people's moods, speaking for myself anyway. I'm very lucky to have a garden so as soon as there's a hint of sunshine I'm outside, putting my tunes on and sticking my nose in a book (currently that's the 'Harry Potter' series for the one hundredth time, which isn't exactly broadening my scope of literature but who cares? Do what makes you happy.)
Anyway, back to the clothes - the blouse is vintage, 1960's I believe, and one of my best finds. I think a lot of people are scared to shop/wear vintage because they think it'll end up looking fancy dress party, but you don't have to go the 'whole hog' with it. This is my favourite way to style vintage - just pick one or two nice pieces and mix with the good old high street. I have also found that a good pair of white jeans will basically go with anything.
Hannah x
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